Tomonisha Blogging Tricks : HTTPS availability Status Available After Some Times
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When you set up HTTPS (secure HTTP) for your Blogger website, it can take some time for the HTTPS availability status to update and show as available. This delay occurs due to various factors, such as DNS propagation and caching. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure HTTPS availability:
Enable HTTPS redirect: In your Blogger dashboard, go to the "Settings" tab and then navigate to "Basic." Under the "HTTPS" section, make sure the "HTTPS Redirect" option is enabled. This will automatically redirect visitors to the secure HTTPS version of your site.
Wait for DNS propagation: After enabling HTTPS redirect, it may take some time for the changes to propagate throughout the DNS (Domain Name System) servers. DNS propagation is the process by which DNS records are updated across the internet. This propagation period can take up to 24-48 hours, although it's usually much faster. During this time, the HTTPS availability status may not immediately reflect the changes you made.
Clear browser cache: If you have already enabled HTTPS redirect and the HTTPS availability status is not updating, try clearing your browser cache. Cached data can sometimes interfere with the display of updated information. Clearing the cache will force your browser to fetch the latest information from the server.
Check availability periodically: Keep checking the HTTPS availability status in your Blogger settings periodically. Eventually, the status should update to show that HTTPS is available for your website.
If you've followed the steps above and HTTPS is still not available after a significant amount of time (more than 48 hours), you may want to reach out to Blogger support or consult the Blogger Help Center for further assistance. They can provide more specific guidance and investigate any potential issues related to enabling HTTPS for your Blogger website.